Pay-By-Cell Meters

Pay-by-Cell Parking in Camden, NJ

The Parking Authority of the City of Camden (PACC) in cooperation with MobileNOW! LLC operates a Pay-By-Cell service, currently operational in the University District. Beginning xxxxx the service will be expanded to all on-street meters.

In each area where the service is offered, meters are individually labeled with cell phone parking instructions. Note: Cell phone parking sessions will not post time on the meter.

Benefits of the MobileNOW! Service

  • It’s easy to use
  • You’ll receive text message or calendar warnings that your parking session is about to expire
  • You have the ability to extend your parking remotely (within the allowable maximum time limit)
  • You can view your parking transactions online

Received a citation?

If you believe that the citation was issued in error please contact the Parking Authority of the City of Camden by phone at (856)757-9300 or by email at xxxx.

How the MobileNOW! Service Works

Before using the service, you need to register online at, and deposit monies in your pre- paid wallet in the MobileNOW! system. Every time you park, your account will be debited accordingly. A $0.35 convenience fee will apply for each parking session in addition to the regular parking fee. You can always check your account balance on your personal web page on

Please note that standard parking rules apply for pay-by-cell parking and parking beyond the maximum time allowable is not permitted.

Click here to register.

Once registered and funded, simply …

Park and Call

  1. Park in locations where Pay by Cell displayed on meter decal.
  2. Call 856 409-0803 with your cell phone.
  3. Enter space number from meter decal
  4. Select parking duration.
  5. If you wish to extend your parking time, you may do so by calling the same number again before the session ends. There will be no additional charge for time extension.

Park by App

  1. Download the MobileNOW! app from your phone’s app store.
  2. Select the location and space number
  3. Select parking duration.

Or, using your MobileNOW! app, simply scan the QR-code on meter and selection parking duration.

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