
Why was I ticketed? The meter was broken.

  • If a driver is in the process of parking and/or has already parked and then discovers the meter is not operating properly, the driver should telephone the Parking Authority at 856-757-9300, ext. 116 and leave a message with name, contact number, and meter number. The driver should also leave a note on the windshield of his/her vehicle stating the meter was fed and is not operable.
  • If a driver has already phoned the Violations Bureau to report a broken meter, because he/she has been issued a Summons then, there is no need to also phone the Parking Authority. With a broken meter report in hand, the Violations Bureau passes the information on to the PACC for investigation. If it is determined that the meter in question was in fact broken then, the Summons issued will not be the driver’s responsibility and he/she will be notified accordingly.