mtg notice to commissioners-3-26-2012 Board Packet
Open Public Meeting Statement 3-26-12
Resolution – approving expenditures 03-26-12
Resolution – Consent Agenda 3-26-12
Resolution – Meeting Agenda 3-26-12
Resolution-Approving a Lease Agreement with Dolente & Dolente (Art Metal Craft 03-29-2012
Resolution-Authorizing a New Service Agreement with Verizon 03-26-12
Resolution-Authorizing an Agreement with South Jersey Port Corporation 03-26-12
Resolution-Authorizing the Accountant to Close All Bank Accounts with TD Bank 03-26-12
Resolution-Authorizing the Executive Director to Advertise for a Financial Consultant 06-21-07
Resolution-Authorizing the Purchase Closed Circuit TV 03-26-12
Resolution-Authorizing the Purchase of Electronic Office Equipement 03-26-12
Resolution-Closed Meeting Session 03-26-12
Resolution-Designating a Bank Depository (Payroll Account) 03-26-12
Resolution-Designating a Bank Depository for Capital Improvements Fund 03-26-12
Resolution-Designating a Bank Depository for Credit Card 31-26-12
Resolution-Designating a Bank Depository for General Funds 03-26-12
Resolution-Designating a Bank Depository for the Sunshine Fund 31-26-12